Snapshots from a Black Hole & Other Oddities

K.C. Ball

By K.C. Ball

February 1, 2012


Print book: $14.95

Ebook: $4.99

Snapshots from a Black Hole & Other Oddities takes you on a marvelous journey through mind of author K.C. Ball. A mix of flash fiction and longer work, science fiction and fantasy, humor and gravity, the stories in Snapshots will take you on an emotional tour-de-force.

Advanced praise for Snapshots from a Black Hole & Other Oddities:

“K.C. Ball’s new collection, Snapshots From a Black Hole & Other Oddities, is a treasure chest of interesting, wacky, sometimes dark and off-beat characters paired with convoluted and surprising plots. From the dark convergence of “The Kid” and a very unusual bike in “Nosing with the Four-Stroke Kid” to the convoluted folds of time and self in “Coward’s Steel,” K.C. takes us on a funhouse ride through space and time and back again to watch classic boxing matches that never happened, suicide served many times, and invites us to an elegant dinner … with a bit of a twist. She is clearly a connoisseur of story and she does story very, very well here, time and again. It’s like opening a great box of chocolates. Whether you like nuts or crème centers, zombies or a dark love triangle, you’re going to find your favorite.”

Mary Rosenblum


“In Snapshots from a Black Hole & Other Oddities, K.C. Ball weaves lyrical spells that never feel like fiction, filled with real characters who breathe and ache and resonate with life over a landscape of prose made more rich by an economy of words. I fell in love with Ball’s clear, beautiful voice and her eyes-wide-open vision from the first story and have added her to my list of favorite storytellers.”

Ken Scholes


“These are compassionate stories, told in a classic sf way but often with very contemporary concerns.  K.C.’s people—cops dealing with dinosaur and orbital trash collectors collecting space junk—do the jobs that the rest of us don’t want to, with grace and humor.”

Maureen McHugh


“The debut of a new writer is always an event, and the stories collected in Snapshots from a Black Hole… attest that this will be the first of many. Congratulations to K.C.!”

James E. Gunn


“K.C. Ball writes crisp short-shorts and emotionally resonant longer works with equal strength. She’s such a pleasure to read.”

Kij Johnson